DigitalRecycling: An online digital data recycling centre
Digitalrecycling is a web based project created between 2001 and 2002.
Digitalrecycling is a tool created to promote and facilitate the concept of remix / sampling to various art forms (video, graphic design, writing, etc...), by (re)using and remixing others digital trash: unwanted data.
How it works?
User can upload digital waste.
Files are sorted by type (like a recycling factory separate waste)
Users can upload and download digital waste to the dump section
Users can upload and download remixed works in the recycled artwork section.
Serve as a resource centre as well as a publishing platform.
Create a community: The Social media of digital garbage remixers...
Explore Database as way to tell a story (ref. Lev Manovich: Database as a Symbolic form)
Exploration of Media Archaeology.
Reflect on future and conservation of digital data.
A way to engage critically with copyright by exploring with file sharing as an art form.
So before emptying your trash bin, consider sharing.